How the James Dyson Foundation is hitting key engineering educational targets, according to new EngineeringUK report
Earth Day 2024: How 3 young engineers are tackling the plastic problem head on
The Dyson Cancer Centre opens its doors to patients
The James Dyson Award is now open for 2024 entries
The project that aims to uncover the causes of dementia
We've launched our Engineering Box in Singapore
Check our our new air pollution Challenge Cards
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!
2022 wrapped up
Festive Challenge Cards
James Dyson Award 2021 Global winners announced
James Dyson Award 2021 Top Twenty finalists announced
Race Against Dementia Dyson Fellowship
James Dyson Award 2021 National Winners Announced
Where are they now: Yusuf Muhammad, 2009 international winner
Colouring your hands clean: meet the women transforming hand hygiene education
Race Against Dementia Dyson Fellow visits Dyson
James Dyson Foundation: Enhancing medical care through design
James Dyson Award heroes International Women in Engineering Day
Meet the inventor fishing for sustainable seas on World Oceans Day
Meet Singapore People's Choice winner
Where are they now: Loren Lim, 2016 Singapore winner
Where are they now: Michael Korn, 2011 UK winner
Where are they now: Kevin Chiam, 2018 Singapore winner
Inventors of the future: Submit your idea to the James Dyson Award
James Dyson Foundation: 2020 wrapped up
James Dyson Award International and Sustainability winners 2020 announced
International top twenty shortlist 2020
James Dyson Award 2020 national winners announced
Engineering solutions: Air pollution
Inside the judging room with Lucy Hughes
James Dyson Award winners celebrate International Women in Engineering Day 2020
The James Dyson Award celebrates World Environment Day
Mary Dyson Scholar recognised by Forbes Poland
A new approach to Design and Technology inspires more young engineers
The Dyson School of Design Engineering opens new building
The James Dyson Award 2019: Open for entries
The science of sound
International students design and share solutions in the Global Makeathon
2018 - The Year of Engineering
The sKan is James Dyson Award 2017 international winner
The James Dyson Foundation celebrates International Women in Engineering day
2017 Malmesbury scholarship awarded to Toby Chamberlain
Vaccine cooling device wins UK's James Dyson Award
James Dyson opens invention powerhouse at heart of Cambridge
Malmesbury student awarded £36,000 scholarship
James Dyson admitted to order of merit
MOM wins 2014 James Dyson Award
James Dyson Foundation donates £8 million to Cambridge University
Voltera V-One Wins James Dyson Award 2015
Titan arm wins 2013 James Dyson Award
Dyson Building at the Royal College of Art
Her Majesty the Queen officially opens the Dyson Cancer Centre
James Dyson donates £35 million to create a state-of-the-art Prep School for Gresham’s
James Dyson pledges £6million to Malmesbury C of E Primary School
Sir James Dyson officially open doors to the Dyson-SUTD Innovation Studios
We've launched a new educational resource all about Hair Science
Inspiring future engineers: The James Dyson Foundation's STEAM Week
The James Dyson Foundation conducted the first Air Pollution teachers’ training workshop in Singapore
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